Saya berasa puas hati
Menolong ibu bapa setiap hari
Bermula di pagi hari
Sehingga malam nanti
Ibu bapa yang disayangi
Saya tetap berhati-hati
Menjaga budi pekerti
Keluarga yang dicintai
Saya sayang ibu dan bapa
Abang, kakak, adik, dan saudara
Mereka semua ada bersama
Saya memerlukan mereka
Bahasa Melayu
Bahasa Inggeris
berasa puas hati
am satisfied
I am happy
ibu bapa setiap hari
parents every day
parents frequently
di pagi hari
in the morning
in the early
malam nanti
the next night
the next obscurity
bapa yang disayangi
tetap berhati-hati
keep careful
keep judicious
budi pekerti
care of Pekerti
care of amenities
yang saya dicintai
I loved
family are precious
sayang ibu dan bapa
love mother and father
love mother and father
kakak, adik dan saudara
sister, brother and brother
and brother
semua ada bersama
all have it together
all have it together
saya memerlukan mereka
I need them
I need their
am happy
parents frequently
in the early
Until the next obscurity
keep judicious
care of amenities
My family are precious
love mother and father
and brother
all have it together
I need their
*Saya mengaku
terjemahan ini dilakukan dengan penuh ikhlas dan saya memang tak tipu.
Pada hari ahad yang lalu, bapa Alim membawa
pulang banyak buah-buahan. Bapa telah membeli buah-buahan dari pasar tani. Bapa
tahu, Alim, abang Imran, Kak Madinah dan Aisyah gemar makan buah-buahan
tempatan. Ada rambutan, ada buah durian, ada buah manggis, ada buah langsat,
ada buah duku dan banyak lagi.
mana beli buah-buahan ini, bapa?” tanya abang Imran kepada bapanya.
beli dari pasar tani. Mari makan semua. Panggil adik-adik dan ibu kamu. Kita
boleh makan bersama,” kata bapa kepada abang Imran.
Imran pun memanggil ibu, Madinah, Alim, dan Aisyah.
banyaknya buah-buahan!,” jerit Madinah melompat-lompat.
nak manggis!” Aisyah berlari mendapatkan manggis dalam plastik.
ibu dah sediakan bakul sampah. Letak semua sampah dalam ni ye. Jangan letak
merata tempat. Nanti rumah akan kotor dan bersepah,” arah ibu sambil
menunjukkan ke arah bakul sampah. Imran, Madinah, Alim dan Aisyah menganggukkan
kepala tanda faham.
boleh kita beri Sulaiman sedikit buah-buahan ini?,” tanya Alim kepada ibunya.
“Ibu dan bapa selalu berpesan berkongsi barang atau makanan yang kita suka
adalah satu perbuatan yang baik,” sambung Alim lagi.
sungguh anak ibu. Bagus Alim. Ingat pesan ibu dan bapa,” kata ibu sambil
mengasingkan buah-buahan ke dalam plastik merah.
Alim. Kamu beri Sulaiman. Ibu nampak dia sedang siram pokok bunga tadi,” kata
ibu sambil menghulurkan plastik yang mengandungi buah rambutan dan manggis.
ibu. Terima kasih,” kata Alim sambil mengambil plastik merah dan berlari ke
rumah Sulaiman.
memberikan plastik tersebut kepada Sulaiman. Sulaiman tersenyum. Dia
mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Alim. Alim terus berlari semula mendapatkan
keluarga sambil tersenyum puas. Alim faham sifat berkongsi itu baik. Alim juga
faham abang Imran, Madinah, Aisyah juga akan berkongsi barang atau makanan
selesai makan, Alim menolong abang Imran, kak Madinah, ibu dan bapa mengemas
rumah. Alim membawa sampah kulit buah-buahan ke dalam tong sampah besar di luar
rumah. Alim terserempak dengan Mak Cik Timah iaitu ibu Sulaiman yang sedang
menyapu lantai di luar rumah.
terima kasih beri buah-buahan kepada Sulaiman tadi,” kata Mak Cik Timah kepada
Mak Cik. Ibu kata, berkongsi itu perbuatan yang baik. Ibu juga pesan, Sulaiman
jiran yang baik. Mak Cik Timah pun baik. Pak Cik Yakub pun baik. Kita semua
mesti baik dengan jiran.
betul tu Alim. Alim anak yang baik,” sebut Mak Cik Timah dengan wajah yang
Mak Cik Timah sedih?,” tanya Alim.
Cik Timah tak sedih. Mak Cik Timah gembira kerana Alim baik dengan Sulaiman,”
kata Mak Cik Timah sambil memandang ke arah Sulaiman yang membasuh basikal
suka Sulaiman. Sulaiman kawan Alim,” kata Alim lagi sambil melambai-lambai ke
arah Mak Cik Timah lalu masuk ke dalam rumah.
Cik Timah masih memandang ke arah Alim yang berjalan masuk ke rumah. Mak Cik
Timah berdoa akan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan Alim sekeluarga.
Bahasa Melayu
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Bahasa Inggeris
Pada hari ahad yang lalu, bapa Alim mmbawa pulang banyak
buah-buahan. Bapa telah membeli buah-buahan dari pasar tani. Bapa tahu, Alim,
abang Imran, Kak Madinah dan Aisyah gemar makan buah-buahan tempatan. Ada
rambutan, ada buah durian, ada buah manggis, ada buah langsat, ada buah duku
dan banyak lagi.
On Sunday, Alim's father
brought home many fruits. Father bought fruit from the farmers market. Father
knows, Alim, brother Imran, sister Medina and Aisha love to eat local fruits.
There are rambutan, there are durians, there are mangosteen, there are bugs,
there are ducks and more.
On Sunday, Alim’s father brought
many fruits. He brought fruits from markets. He knows that his childrens love
to eat local fruits. There are rambutan, durians, mangosteen, langsat, duku
and more.
“Di mana beli buah-buahan ini, bapa?” tanya abang Imran
kepada bapanya.
“Bapa beli dari pasar tani. Mari makan semua. Panggil
adik-adik dan ibu kamu. Kita boleh makan bersama,” kata bapa kepada abang
Abang Imran pun memanggil ibu, Madinah, Alim, dan Aisyah.
“Wah banyaknya buah-buahan!,” jerit Madinah
“Adik nak manggis!” Aisyah berlari mendapatkan manggis
dalam plastik.
“Where did you buy these
fruits, father?” Asked Imran's brother.
“Father bought from the
farmers market. Let's all eat. Call your siblings and your mom. We can eat
together, ”said Imran's father.
Brother Imran even called
his mother, Medina, Alim, and Aisha.
"What a lot of
fruits!" Medina screamed.
"Little girl wants to
pee!" She ran to find mangosteen in plastic.
“Where did you brought these
fruits, father?” Asked Imran.
“I brought from the market.
Let’s eat. Call your siblings and your mother. We can eat together,” said
Imran called his mother and his
“Wow, a lot of fruits!” Madinah
screamed happily.
“I want the mangosteen!” Aisyah
ran and get mangosteen in the plastic.
“Ni, ibu dah sediakan bakul sampah. Letak semua sampah
dalam ni ye. Jangan letak merata tempat. Nanti rumah akan kotor dan
bersepah,” arah ibu sambil menunjukkan ke arah bakul sampah. Imran, Madinah,
Alim dan Aisyah menganggukkan kepala tanda faham.
“Here, mom has prepared a
garbage can. Put all the garbage in this. Don't place it anywhere. Later the
house will be dirty and messy, "she said, pointing to the trash can.
Imran, Medina, Alim and Aisyah nodded their heads of understanding.
“Here, I already prepared the
dustbin. Put all the garbage in this. Don’t place it anywhere. The house will
be dirty and messy,” said mother while pointing to the dustbin. Imran,
Madinah, Alim and Aisyah nodded their heads.
“Ibu, boleh kita beri Sulaiman sedikit buah-buahan ini?,”
tanya Alim kepada ibunya. “Ibu dan bapa selalu berpesan berkongsi barang atau
makanan yang kita suka adalah satu perbuatan yang baik,” sambung Alim lagi.
“Baik sungguh anak ibu. Bagus Alim. Ingat pesan ibu dan
bapa,” kata ibu sambil mengasingkan buah-buahan ke dalam plastik merah.
“Ini Alim. Kamu beri Sulaiman. Ibu nampak dia sedang
siram pokok bunga tadi,” kata ibu sambil menghulurkan plastik yang
mengandungi buah rambutan dan manggis.
“Baik, ibu. Terima kasih,” kata Alim sambil mengambil
plastik merah dan berlari ke rumah Sulaiman.
"Mom, can we give you
some of this fruit?" Asked Alim. “Parents and parents are always saying
that sharing something or food we love is a good thing,” Alim continued.
"It's really good for
your son. Good Alim. Remember the message of mother and father, ”she said while
separating the fruit into red plastic.
“This is Alim. You give
Sulaiman. You saw her flush with the flower tree, ”she said, pointing out the
plastic that contained ruffles and mangosteen.
"Yes, mother. Thank
you, ”Alim said as he took the red plastic and ran to Solomon's house.
“Mother, can we give some of
fruits to Sulaiman?” asked Alim. “Both of you always saying that sharing
something or food is a good thing,” continued Alim.
“You’re really good. Good Alim.
You must always remember our guidance,” said mother while separating the
fruits into red plastic.
“This is fruit and give to
Sulaiman. Just now I saw him watering flowers,” say mother while giving the
plastic that contain rambutan and mangosteen.
“Okay mother. Thank you,” said
Alim while took the red plastic and go to Sulaiman’s house.
Alim memberikan plastik tersebut kepada Sulaiman.
Sulaiman tersenyum. Dia mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Alim. Alim terus
berlari semula mendapatkan keluarga sambil tersenyum puas. Alim faham sifat
berkongsi itu baik. Alim juga faham abang Imran, Madinah, Aisyah juga akan
berkongsi barang atau makanan dengannya.
Alim gave the plastic to
Solomon. Say hello. He thanked Alim. Alim kept running back to find a family
while smiling. I understand that sharing is good. Alim also understood that
Imran's brother, Medina, Aisha would also share some goods or food with him.
Alim give the plastic to
Sulaiman. He smiled to Alim. He say thank you to Alim. Alim ran going back to
his family with smile. Alim knows that his siblings also will share things
and food with him.
Setelah selesai makan, Alim menolong abang Imran, kak
Madinah, ibu dan bapa mengemas rumah. Alim membawa sampah kulit buah-buahan
ke dalam tong sampah besar di luar rumah. Alim terserempak dengan Mak Cik
Timah iaitu ibu Sulaiman yang sedang menyapu lantai di luar rumah.
After the meal, Alim helped
Imran's brother, Medina's sister, mother and father clean the house.
Pomegranates carry fruit rubbish into large bins outside the house. Alim
collides with Aunt Timah's mother, who is sweeping the floor outside the
After the meal, Alim helped
Imran, Madinah, his mother and his father clean the house. Alim brings the
rubbish into the large dustbin outside their house. Alim bumped into Mak Cik
Timah, Sulaiman’s mother that sweeping the floor outside house.
“Alim, terima kasih beri buah-buahan kepada Sulaiman
tadi,” kata Mak Cik Timah kepada Alim.
“Sama-sama Mak Cik. Ibu kata, berkongsi itu perbuatan
yang baik. Ibu juga pesan, Sulaiman jiran yang baik. Mak Cik Timah pun baik.
Pak Cik Yakub pun baik. Kita semua mesti baik dengan jiran.
“Ya, betul tu Alim. Alim anak yang baik,” sebut Mak Cik
Timah dengan wajah yang sedih.
“Kenapa Mak Cik Timah sedih?,” tanya Alim.
"Alim, thank you for
giving the fruit to Solomon earlier," Aunt Timah told Alim.
“You're welcome. Mother
said, sharing is a good thing. Mother also ordered, good neighbor neighbor.
Aunt Tim is fine too. Uncle Jacob is good too. We should all be good to our
"Yes, that's right
Alim. Good kid, "said Aunt Tim with a sad face.
"Why is Aunt Tim sad
?," asked Alim.
“Alim, thank you for giving the
fruits to Sulaiman earlier,” say Mak Cik Timah.
“You’re welcome. My mother said
that sharing is a good thing. My mother also say that Sulaiman is a good
neighbour. Also both of you. We should be good to our neighbour.
“That’s right Alim. Good boy,:
said Mak Cik Timah with sad face.
“Why you’re looking so sad, Mak
Cik Timah?,” asked Alim.
“Mak Cik Timah tak sedih. Mak Cik Timah gembira kerana
Alim baik dengan Sulaiman,” kata Mak Cik Timah sambil memandang ke arah
Sulaiman yang membasuh basikal kecilnya.
“Alim suka Sulaiman. Sulaiman kawan Alim,” kata Alim lagi
sambil melambai-lambai ke arah Mak Cik Timah lalu masuk ke dalam rumah.
Mak Cik Timah masih memandang ke arah Alim yang berjalan
masuk ke rumah. Mak Cik Timah berdoa akan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan Alim
“Aunt Tim isn't sad. Aunt
Tim is happy that Alim is good with Solomon, ”Aunt Tim said looking at
Solomon who was washing his small bike.
“Alim likes Sulaiman. Say
hello to Alim's friend, ”Alim said as she waved her arms around Aunt Tim and
entered the house.
Aunt Tim was still looking
at Alim walking into the house. Aunt Tim prayed for the health and well-being
of the family.
“No, I’m not sad. I’m happy
because you being nice to Sulaiman,” say Mak Cik Timah while looking at
Sulaiman is washing his bicycle.
“Alim likes Sulaiman. Sulaiman
is my friend,” said Alim while waved his hands to Mak Cik Timah and entered
into the house.
Mak Cik Timah still looked at
Alim walking into his house. She pray for health and well-being of Alim’s
On Sunday, Alim’s
father brought many fruits. He brought fruits from markets. He knows that his
children love to eat local fruits. There are rambutan, durians, mangosteen,
langsat, duku and more.
“Where did you brought these fruits, father?” Asked
“I brought from the market. Let’s eat. Call your
siblings and your mother. We can eat together,” said father. Imran called his
mother and his siblings.
“Wow, a lot of fruits!” Madinah screamed happily.
“I want the mangosteen!” Aisyah ran and get mangosteen in
the plastic.
“Here, I already prepared the dustbin. Put all the garbage
in this. Don’t place it anywhere. The house will be dirty and messy,” said
mother while pointing to the dustbin. Imran, Madinah, Alim and Aisyah nodded
their heads.
“Mother, can we give some of fruits to Sulaiman?”
asked Alim. “Both of you always saying that sharing something or food is a good
thing,” continued Alim.
“You’re really good. Good Alim. You must always remember
our guidance,” said mother while separating the fruits into red plastic.
“This is fruit and give to Sulaiman. Just now I saw
him watering flowers,” say mother while giving the plastic that contain
rambutan and mangosteen.
“Okay mother. Thank you,” said Alim while took the red
plastic and go to Sulaiman’s house.
Alim give the plastic to Sulaiman. He smiled to Alim. He
say thank you to Alim. Alim ran going back to his family with smile. Alim knows
that his siblings also will share things and food with him.
After the meal, Alim helped Imran, Madinah, his mother and
his father clean the house. Alim brings the rubbish into the large dustbin
outside their house. Alim bumped into Mak Cik Timah, Sulaiman’s mother that
sweeping the floor outside house.
“Alim, thank you for giving the fruits to Sulaiman
earlier,” say Mak Cik Timah.
“You’re welcome. My mother said that sharing is a
good thing. My mother also say that Sulaiman is a good neighbour. Also both of
you. We should be good to our neighbour.
“That’s right Alim. Good boy,: said Mak Cik Timah
with sad face.
“Why you’re looking so sad, Mak Cik Timah?,” asked Alim.
“No, I’m not sad. I’m happy because you being nice
to Sulaiman,” say Mak Cik Timah while looking at Sulaiman is washing his
“Alim likes Sulaiman. Sulaiman is my friend,” said
Alim while waved his hands to Mak Cik Timah and entered into the house.
Mak Cik Timah still looked at Alim walking into his house.
She pray for health and well-being of Alim’s family.
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